A Flemish dragoon’s journey to Russia …

Hanover, 2 July 1812.

My dear Father and Mother, Sisters and Brother,

I inform you on the state of my health and I hope to hear yours as well.

I let you know that on 6 June we departed to join our regiment, although we are unaware where it is located. It could be either in Poland or in Russia. However, many of us have proceeded to Poland. I informed them that I have not received a certificate before joining the regiment. I asked for this document ten times already; they delay its composition every time, and now they tell me I won’t receive it before reaching the regiment.

Dear Father and Mother, Sisters and Brother, I give you my compliments, as well as to the whole family and my best acquaintances.

I am as content as in Flanders, because we are with many Flemish [men] here. I often thought that I found myself in Flanders, and the country(side) is so pleasant; it is green all around due to the linden trees and many [other] trees one doesn’t see or knows [back home] during walks and in gardens. On Sunday, people take a seat under these trees and eat and drink, as well as play music.

There are few poor people here; one hardly encounters people who live in below par conditions, compared to inhabitants from Wakken (a town in West Flanders). Write to me instantly how things fare back home, and in which class and regiment Francis Kirsbulk has been incorporated, and where he is currently staying.

My adris (sic): Monsieur Hegremond, dragoon, 30th Regiment, 10th Company. Hanover, Rouijom de Vertphalie (sic, Royaume de Westphalie, Kingdom of Westphalia).

Source : DBNL (Digital Library for Dutch Literature) – Biekorf, 41st year, 1935, pp. 188-189.

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